Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Different Kind of Saturday

Normally, a typical Saturday in our house consists of homework and cleaning, and if we're lucky enough for Pete to have the day off, it usually means a not-so-relaxing day of shopping and running errands and eating out somewhere.  Yesterday, however, my boys and I did something a little different, and it was great.  Due to the fact that all three of us have been inflicted by a fabulous cold virus, plus the fact that the heat outside has seriously reached the point of melting my very soul, we decided to spend the entire day inside at home, but NOT be lazy couch potatoes. 

We technically started Friday night by getting a head start on fall by making these recycled-book pumpkins while watching Jurassic Park on late-night TV.  This is how they turned out:

I like em, but not sure what to do with them yet.

We started Saturday morning with cinnamon rolls out of the oven.  We pretty much never eat breakfast altogether at home, so this was pretty awesome.

Then we decided to introduce Ryan to some more classic Disney movies; this time we went with Robin Hood.

"Oh he's so handsome, just like his reward posters."
After the movie, the boys played cars on the floor and I did some cleaning and vacuuming.  Then we began working on this recipe for brownie batter cupcakes that I have been drooling over for a while. After we got the brownie batter in the freezer, we made some yummy lunch and relaxed with a couple episodes of Friday Night Lights while Ryan napped.

I really look for any excuse to post pictures of Taylor Kitcsh.
 In the midst of the high school football drama, I also spent about ten minutes re-vamping my Halloween wreath for this year. I think I still need to add a crow or bat or something in the middle, but here it is so far:

waiting anxiously for labor day to be hung...
We spent the evening in the kitchen making fabulous little lasagnas for dinner and finishing the cupcakes (see note below).



After Bug went to bed, the hubby and I watched a movie on Netflix (Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil - can anyone tell me what the point of that film was??) and snuggled on the couch.

It was a much-needed stress-free day out of the heat and I loved every minute of it.  I am so grateful for my sweet little family and the time I get to spend with them.  Days like yesterday allow me to take the time to think of how blessed I am, and how sometimes being at home is better than being anywhere else. <3

Note: If you ever plan on making those cupcakes, prepare yourself for a serious sugar and chocolate coma. They should be called "Death by Cake".  Yes they were delicious, but so rich you can barely enjoy it. Prepare yourself.

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