Saturday, May 29, 2010

Williams & Sonoma must be a fabulous store.

Because that's where our first real engagement present came from to land happily at our doorstep this week (via the UPS man of course, because as cool as Williams & Sonoma may be, I don't think they can make gifts fly).

Pete's awesome Godfather and cousins sent us the happy gift. Thanks so much you guys!

Of course we had to take photos to document our excitement at an engagement present arriving at our door because, well, I've said it before, we don't get out much. :)


I have never been to Williams & Sonoma, because the closest one to where we are is somewhere off in ritzy Scottsdale land, but they sure have pretty giftwrapping.

R Bug had to get in on the action. No 3-year-old can pass up opening a present.


What fabulous crystal champagne flutes!!! They are SO beautiful. Love them. :)
(And of course, Pete had to play with them, because every man needs to play with fine crystal...)


We are blessed with a wonderful family. Thanks again G. Fam for thinking of us!


  1. I ♥ Williams & Sonoma, and not just because it is my father's store :)

    So pretty, lets toast!!! CELEBRATE YOUR WEDDING DAY IS UPON US! ...Okay not really, but I am excited to say this to you!!

  2. Awww I love you so much Goose! :)
