Sunday, August 28, 2011

Ryan's World

I have a confession.
My 4 year old has an iPhone.
(Don't blame me, blame my husband who has an obsession with apple products that I'll never understand.)
But seriously, it's not really how it sounds.  See, Pete has a first generation iPhone that he had been using for years before we finally had the money to get him the iPhone 4 when we were on our honeymoon. So we now have the old phone that still functions as an ipod with games and wifi.  So it kind of became Ryan's phone, because he can play preschool games on it and pretend to text and call people (and trust me, if he knows you by name, he has had some kind of pretend phone conversation with you).

This morning I wanted to blog about our day yesterday, and grabbed the old phone to take a photo of the pumpkins I made.  This is when I joyfully discovered that my son has also been using the camera on the phone. I found at least 30 pictures that had been taken who-knows-when by the little man. I was delighted by the randomness of what a 4-year-old views as important enough to take photos of.  It was such a cute little perspective of the world according to Ryan.

Here are some of my favorites:

"The Art of Oatmeal"

"Culinary Delight"

"Original Art in Chalk"

"Mom's Blanket"

"The Climb"

"My World in a Blur"

"Blast Off to the Moon"

 (This one is my favorite, it's actually the lamp hanging from his ceiling)

My baby is so talented (of course I may be biased).  I love these pictures.  For all you parents out there, I highly recommend giving your little one access to a camera. It is delightful to see the world the way they see it for a little while. :)

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