Friday, August 6, 2010

I'm not crazy, I'm smart.

Or maybe I'm just a ridiculous type-A personality with an obsession for control, preparedness and organization...yes? Okay moving on.

I L.O.V.E. being crafty and artistic. (It must be the wicked combo of teacher-artist-theatre geek in me.) So of course I plan on DIY-ing many elements of our wedding. Now here's where you might walk out on me: I have an 11-month wedding project schedule.


Yes, it's as ridiculous as it sounds. I have completely outlined, by the month, when each and every wedding project will get done, and I began the projects back in June. Mind you, our wedding is still over 9 months away.

The reason I claim that I am smart, and not crazy (okay maybe a little crazy), is because I simply REFUSE to be a ball of stress right before our wedding, or on our wedding trip, and especially not on our wedding day. When stalking wedding-blog-land, there is one very common theme: for some reason, so many crafty people get stuck doing all their DIY projects in the last few weeks before the wedding. These little lovelies pretty much fall off the face of the planet and go mad with paper cuts and fights with their printers. They are frantic and emotional and just have too much to do. Some of them are lucky in the fact that they find a way to pull everything together in the very last few days and all is well. Other brides are not as lucky. I know this because I was one of them.

I don't want to waste much breath on my first wedding (oh wait, we haven't discussed that yet, have we?  Yes, I've been married before. Let's leave it at that for now.)  But I'll be honest and admit that the week before that wedding, and even the day of the wedding, was completely awful. I was stressed to my core. I was doing everything by myself, I didn't delegate. I spent the rehearsal dinner crying in the bathroom. I had 7 cold sores (from stress) on my not-so-beautiful bride lips by the time I walked down the aisle.

So, cue my happy little wedding project schedule. *sprinkle fairy dust here.* As of now, I am on schedule, and even a little bit ahead. According to my plan, all of the major DIY projects (with the exception of cookies that must be baked) will be completely done one month before the big day. Woo hoo!!!  I will soon start making my schedule for non-projects as well - such as final payments, packing lists and to-do items, so that I can be as stress-free as possible (but yet still in complete control!)  So go ahead and laugh all you want at my obsessive planning, but when you see me calm and healthy and uberly joyous in Las Vegas, my craziness just might be worth it. :)

Anyone else have ridiculous lists laying around?

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