Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Blog?! Why, yes.

I have an addiction.
To wedding blogs.
Okay so I know a lot of people with blogs. Do I actually read many of them? Not really. But I spend at least 2o minutes a day scouring wedding blogs of complete strangers, and I blame this on my twinsie, Andrea, because she introduced me to the first (and most awesome) one a few months ago.

For those of you who know me well enough, you know that I pretty much love weddings, and have been planning them since I was about five (I have married my childhood friends off more times than I can count). It's one of many random obsessions, and now, so are wedding blogs.

So now that Pete and I are blissfully engaged to be married sometime next year, I am starting my own blog...but is it a wedding blog? Kind of. Is it a personal blog to keep loved ones updated on the life of Pete, Ryan and me? Yup. Is it a way of sharing more of my life with my two best friends that I rarely get to spend time with? For sure. Is it a venture that I really hope lands me a writing gig on Definitely. More than anything, I hope it will be a way for me to write and vent my way through the already difficult task of balancing love, motherhood, school, homework, a job and planning/paying for a beautiful wedding.

So, if you're reading...welcome to the journey. It may, or may not, be pretty.

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